3 days off Suboxone, help appreciated!

by Admin

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Author: substation

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:44 pm

So today is day 11 and although I feel much better I’m getting so tired of this lack of energy. I keep thinking everyday it’s gonna get better but it stays right about the same. IDK Sunday will be two weeks so I really hope I have more energy by next week.

I got the strangest urge to drink last night, but I didn’t. Drinking was never a problem for me but I found when I went on suboxone I had ZERO interest in drinking. I guess now that its out of my system, I will want to drink again here and there. I’m just afraid right now because even though I don’t like alcohol much, I can see myself replacing the opiates with acholcol.

What does someone do when in that position? I guess I’m supposed to stay clean and I guess that means alcohol as well? But does it? IDK I’m confused right now…

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