Author: amber4.14.11
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:17 pm
I really hope you make it, I do……….
a support system and a plan are just as important as everything else…..
I know your strong, and you have done so much already…. getting off the oxy is a whole battle within itself.
your in dangerous territory though, and I think you know that.
Just keep in mind, that if you do ‘relapse’ and go on another run,
it could be 5 yrs in ‘fast forward’
with no money at all, selling your possesion, left by yourself all alone with your addiction, and a mouthfull of rotten teeth.
sorry, this was just my experience.
I wish I would have reached out years ago, when My adiction was only a couple years old, and had someone to tell me this that had been in my shoes.
Now Im filling ch 7 bankruptcy, and I will have dentures by June. (im 30)
9 years of adiction, the last 3 was what really got me.
PLEASE, take it seriously. THINK about coming clean with someone. No, this person may not be your wife, it could be whoever you feel will understand you.
there are so many of "us" who never make it out alive, (of active addiction)
and once your off the suboxone, and havent used oxy in a few weeks, or months, you WONT have the tolerance you once did. but your brain may try to tell you differently.
Just please be careful.
maybe think about suboxone long term. if your on that low of a dose, and its working, it wouldnt be that expensive.
and I bet if you tried really hard (like when ‘we’ addicts were searching for pills) you could find a doctor that wouldnt charge much.
I did. I pay 25 bux per appointment. when I first went I had to go once a week, now i go every other month.
I just couldnt read your post and ‘leave’ ya there,,,,,,
I hope you dont take anything I said the wrong way, just please do look ahead into the future a bit,
and ask yourself how you want it to look
maybe you CAN do it without sub, but I think your gonna have much better chances with SOME kind of support
thanks for reading