4th day off suboxone..

by Admin

Call 1 (888) 460-6556 to speak with a counselor.

Author: Romeo

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:55 pm

Hey daisy, I think you were referring to stuckknot when you mentioned my name?? Anyway, I quit Suboxone at 43 years of age. I felt like you do about putting myself where I was and that I was going to have to pay the piper.

Stuckknot, yes, I did just pass my one year off of Suboxone mark. I jumped from a decently high dose and because of that I suffered fairly heavy wd. PAWS lasted a long time for me too, they weren’t unbearable, but I definetely felt substandard most of the time. Anyway, my wife, daughter and I went on vacation for a week to celebrate my 1 year off of Suboxone and I FINALLY now feel like I’m very, very, very close to 100% again. I have some small sleep issues still and my body temperature controller dude is still out to lunch sometimes, but I’m not complaining. This may sound a little cuckoo, but I feel normal…….honest to God, I didn’t think I would EVER be able to say that again, that I felt normal, but here I am, feeling normal!!

Hmmm, I hate to mention this because it’s going to make me look so silly, but what the hay, I’m getting used to making myself look silly anymore!! Laughing I used to "suffer" from some pretty decent anxiety/nervousness and all around jitters, for the longest time I just chalked those symptoms up to Suboxone wd…….magically, when I quit drinking 10 cups of coffee a day during my vacation AND since then…..I feel no more anxiety/nervousness?? Go figure!! Who da thunk it?? LOL!! So, I would strongly suggest you give coffee (caffeine) the boot or at least consume it in moderation.

Ummmm, are you two going to work some kind of recovery program?? NA/AA/Smart Recovery?? I found out the hard way that just quitting drugs is not recovery. I would suggest you go to some meetings or do something for your recovery, OK?

Congratulations to both of you, I hope you guys keep posting and PLEASE feel free to ask any questions you have. There are some really great people on this forum, very knowledgeable and they’re happy to help.

4th day off suboxone..

by Admin

Call 1 (888) 460-6556 to speak with a counselor.

Author: Romeo

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:55 pm

Hey daisy, I think you were referring to stuckknot when you mentioned my name?? Anyway, I quit Suboxone at 43 years of age. I felt like you do about putting myself where I was and that I was going to have to pay the piper.

Stuckknot, yes, I did just pass my one year off of Suboxone mark. I jumped from a decently high dose and because of that I suffered fairly heavy wd. PAWS lasted a long time for me too, they weren’t unbearable, but I definetely felt substandard most of the time. Anyway, my wife, daughter and I went on vacation for a week to celebrate my 1 year off of Suboxone and I FINALLY now feel like I’m very, very, very close to 100% again. I have some small sleep issues still and my body temperature controller dude is still out to lunch sometimes, but I’m not complaining. This may sound a little cuckoo, but I feel normal…….honest to God, I didn’t think I would EVER be able to say that again, that I felt normal, but here I am, feeling normal!!

Hmmm, I hate to mention this because it’s going to make me look so silly, but what the hay, I’m getting used to making myself look silly anymore!! Laughing I used to "suffer" from some pretty decent anxiety/nervousness and all around jitters, for the longest time I just chalked those symptoms up to Suboxone wd…….magically, when I quit drinking 10 cups of coffee a day during my vacation AND since then…..I feel no more anxiety/nervousness?? Go figure!! Who da thunk it?? LOL!! So, I would strongly suggest you give coffee (caffeine) the boot or at least consume it in moderation.

Ummmm, are you two going to work some kind of recovery program?? NA/AA/Smart Recovery?? I found out the hard way that just quitting drugs is not recovery. I would suggest you go to some meetings or do something for your recovery, OK?

Congratulations to both of you, I hope you guys keep posting and PLEASE feel free to ask any questions you have. There are some really great people on this forum, very knowledgeable and they’re happy to help.

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