Author: [email protected]
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:50 pm
Hi all. I haven’t been on here in awhile but wanted to stop by and offer some encouragement. 7 months Sub free today! My hubby is still on maintenance but I needed to go a different direction with my recovery and I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up when the going got rough.
I know those first 45 days or so (for me anyhow) can be almost unbearable for some ppl., but it is possible to make it through. Some wonderful folks on this site offered me encouragement when I was at wits end and I’ll never forget how much they helped me. I remember some of the names but won’t mention ’em because I don’t want to miss anyone – YOU GUYS WERE THE BEST! Anyhow, keep up the great work everyone. It is very worth it if indeed getting off sub is what is right for you. Everyone is different though, and as I’ve said before, I will never knock Suboxone – it is a lifesaver for some.
So…. I’ve got to go cut the grass on this gorgious fall day (before the week long rains come!). Life is better than I could have ever hoped – my sons live with me full time now!!!!! we have been remodeling and working on our place all summer which is like a natural high for me! and despite a nasty cold the last couple days, I feel clear headed, peaceful, grateful, and happy to be alive. When I consider how much I DIDN’T want to live for a while there, this new attitude is a real blessing!
My best to everyone. Keep up the great work and keep supporting one another. There is nothing like the therapeutic value of one addict helping another, that’s for sure.