84 hours since last dose… my story

by Admin

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Author: Romeo

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:19 pm

Hey apennington,

I hear ya on the laziness/fatigue/lethargy. Those are some pretty common symptoms of wd/PAWS. It takes our brains a good while to get the ole "natural opiate" producing machine in our heads back up and running smoothly. It seems to come back "online" in fits and starts too.

Going out, being active, riding jet skii’s and cliff diving all help to kick start our brains back into gear. Keep at it.

Oh yeah, the sleep issues…….SUCKS!!! The sleep some of us get during wd certainly isn’t anywhere near the quality of sleep we got before we quit opiates. I wouldn’t even call it real sleep. Early in my wd, I was a happy camper if I could 2 hours of sleep at a time, but 2 hours of sleep, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t let the brain reach it’s 5th stage of sleep. From what I remember reading, I was only regularly getting into the 2nd stage of sleep…..maybe the 3rd….I can’t remember, but I know my sleep SUCKED for a while!!

It gets better though, it really does.

Congratulations on day 19 today!!

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