A Sub Detox Theory- Thinking outside the box- Please Comment

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Author: blueindian

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:08 am

finallyachance wrote:
I have no Idea, but consider yourself very lucky. It’s almost like the best Christmas present I have heard about. YEAH TELL ME ABOUT IT! I would have been so panicked that I would have had terrible diarrhea and sweats/chills etc…From the panic alone. TRUST ME I WAS I am interested in what your next move is. RIGHT NOW I’M JUST TAKING IT DAY BY DAY. I DON’T HAVE ANY DRUG CONNECTIONS BECAUSE I’VE BEEN CLEAN FOR 3 YEARS SO THAT HELPS FOR NOW Do you have a relapse prevention plan going on?[color=Font Color] I HAVE NO PLAN. EVERYTHING IN ME TELLS ME ILL EVENTUALLY BE BACK ON PAIN PILLS SOONER OR LATER. I’M JUST BEING HONEST. I HAD PLANS OF JUST STAYING ON SUB FOR AN EXTENSIVE PERIOD BECAUSE IT WORKS PERFECTLY FOR ME BUT THAT DOESN’T SEEM TO BE AN OPTION. Are you considering finding a new doc? I WOULD DEFINITELY GO BACK ON SUB TOMORROW BUT I HAVE NO INSURANCE AND I CAN’T AFFORD MORE THAN ABOUT $250/MONTH. I HOPE TO FIND A DOCTOR INSTEAD OF A NAZI CLINIC THAT TREATS ME LIKE A CRIMINAL AND BASICALLY TELLS ME TO COMPLY OR DIE Just wondering. I sometimes work myself up into a panic when I realize that at anytime these docs can just decide to yank it all up and we can be left in situations like yours. I’M THE SAME WAY. PART OF ME FEELS SO RELIEVED I DON’T HAVE TO SWALLOW MY PRIDE AND LIVE AT THE MERCY OF AN ASSHOLE DOCTOR. I HONESTLY HAVE LIVED THE LAST 3 YEARS IN CONSTANT FEAR OF EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. The way I look at it is we are addicts and if we mess up every once in a while it’s because the mentality is still there even if the "cravings are under arrest by the bupe and/or done. EXACTLY AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE WITH THE WAY THIS MEDICATION IS HANDLED. I TRIED TO EXPLAIN THIS TO MY DOCTOR AND I DIDN’T GET ANYWHERE. I ASKED HIM IF A HUGE FAT PERSON CAME TO HIM BECAUSE THEY WERE KILLING THEMSELVES FROM EATING CAKE, WOULD HE TELL THEM THAT FROM THAT DAY FORWARD IF THEY EVER ATE CAKE AGAIN THAN THEY WOULD BE REFUSED THE MEDS TO KEEP THEM ALIVE? WOULD HE MONITOR THEM AND AS SOON AS HE SUSPECTED THEY ATE SOME CAKE, BASICALLY TELL THEM TO GO DIE!! I think the only way a doctor should kick us out etc…Is if they have offered comprehensive therapy to include relapse prevention and then seen we just are not investing ourselves in our treatment. EXACTLY, THE FEAR THESE STUPID "COMPLY OR DIE" DOCTORS FORCE ON PATIENTS KEEPS ADDICTS IN CONSTANT FEAR AND PANIC AND IT’S SIMPLY NOT HEALTHY. IT’S NOT RIGHT!!! Just giving us a medicine that controls cravings and withdrawals alone does not help us at all when and if they kick us to the curb. Why these doctors are so shocked, pissed or wanting to punish us for behaving like addicts is when they are not treating the behaviors or causes should be up for examination to some type of board review etc… They are treating the symptoms. (It’s kind of like cough syrup instead of antibiotics for bacterial flu) Cravings and/or withdrawals are symptoms/side effects of a much larger issue called addiction.
If they want to be considered addictionologist, then they should be accountable for their treatment administered to their clients. Do doctors normally kick clients to the curb that are diabetics because they eat too much sugar? Or Cardiologist kicks patients out because they smoke? If they did and these clients die because they cannot get their medications are they liable? They should be. And…to a degree, I am sure they are liable. YEP BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE DISEASE OF ADDICTION ALSO INCLUDES BEING A CRIMINAL WHO SHOULD HAVE TO PAY OUT THE ASS AND COMPLY OR DIE. Now I know there has to be a line drawn somewhere in the sand so as to a client cannot get their medications and continue to use illicit drugs, but that is why they should offer any and all services to help arrest the disease and then when the client still continues to behave like an addict, then their efforts (the doctors) have been made and the client is now accountable. I am sure some will disagree and I admit this is just my opinion. I AGREE 100%!!! I’M GLAD I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS STUFF. SOMETHING HAS GOTTA CHANGE..
I am not so sure about Bupe doctors as I have been on bupe but it was years ago and it was the subutex form and it was in a detox setting several times. I used it not as maintenance so to say, but with methadone if you continually use they usually don’t kick you to the curb they do not let you take the advantages of level changes and/or take homes etc…
I am not sure as to why your doctor kicked you to the curb and maybe that link you provide above will say why, but I can almost for sure say that the doctor had not offered you all the services he should have to include relapse prevention and by kicking you out, he shows his lack of commitment to his clients as what if you would have suffered dearly? I WAS KICKED OUT BECAUSE I DIDN’T ATTEND WEEKLY PHYSIOTHERAPY COUNSELING SESSIONS. I’VE BEEN CLEAN AND SOBER FOR 3 YEARS AND DID CLASSES TO THE POINT OF THEM BEING A WASTE OF MY TIME. IN THE LAST 3 YEARS I FINISHED MY DEGREE AND STARTED A GREAT BUSINESS FOR MYSELF. THE MEDICATION AND INITIAL TREATMENT HELPED ME TO RETURN TO A HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE, TAX PAYING CITIZEN WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE RESULT OF A TREATMENT PROGRAM. 2.5 YEARS INTO MY TREATMENT THEY STARTED REQUIRING WEEKLY CLASSES. THE DOCTOR IS AN HOUR FROM MY HOUSE AND I WAS HAVING TO TAKE OFF 1 DAY A WEEK TO GO THROUGH THE FIASCO OF GETTING MY WEEKS REFILL. I COULD NEVER SCHEDULE THE COUNSELOR AND DOCTORS APPOINTMENT ON THE SAME DAY AND IT’S SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO RUN A BUSINESS AND NOT WORK 2/5 AFTERNOONS OF THE WEEK. AFTER MISSING ABOUT 3 RANDOM WEEKS OF NO COUNSELING, I SHOWED UP TO BE TOLD I WAS NON-COMPLIANT WITH TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS. I WAS LITERALLY IN TEARS SAYING I WAS GONNA END UP IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM AND HE RESPONDED, "UNFORTUNATELY THAT’S YOUR BEST OPTION" I JUST WALKED OUT BEFORE I CHOKED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM. TALK ABOUT RUINING MY HOLIDAYS!! What if you in a day’s time etc…are lying dead in a shooting gallery somewhere? Was whatever you did so badly to deserve that? Someone somewhere and sometime soon needs to find that line in the sand and set up some accountability for these doctors that play GOD. I BELIEVE I’D BE WILLING TO FLY TO WASHINGTON AND PROTEST IF I ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WOULD HELP Thank You for letting me vent my thoughts and feelings on your post. NO WORRIES! WE FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME I hope I have not deflected the original post and/or your subject matter or post will still be responded to in the manner best fit for your needs. I am sorry this has happened to you and I hope you have a plan. THANKS FOR YOUR KIND WORDS. HOPEFULLY DOORS WILL OPEN AS I GO FORWARD. WE CAN ONLY HOPE SINCE WE ARE CRIMINALS. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU AS WELL. I PLAN ON STICKING AROUND FOR A WHILE SO I’LL KEEP YOU UPDATED We cannot depend on these doctors to always do what’s best so we need a plan.

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