back to my old self again,,,thank god,,

by Admin

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Author: E-flight

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:28 pm

well its the same story every body got,,,did to many pills and became dependant on them,,,hooked,,,,i also had back sergery but that was 5yrs ago,lol,,im fixed my backs not that bad,,nothing advil cant fix.I used my back for an excuse to get pills…i pissed dirty in pain managent and almost got kicked out because of other pills in my system.I would run out and have to go hunting for oxys,,thats all i could take,,,,i was in the hood one day looking for them blues, had to meet someone there,and thought to myself this is just nuts..this is what it has come down to,,it just got crazy when i ran,,i decided enough is enough,,,,ive been of for about 3weeks now,,went and saw sub dctor and told him my issue and got me a script,,,well i want to get off these things also,,,but im going to take my time,,,i only take 2 8mg a day,,i got for 3 a day,,ill just put some away,,i was taking 3 a day,but anyways been doing alot of reading on this site,,theres some good info. Its very encouraging to see so many people with the same struggle trying to make a change in their lives,,,,,what is the diffrence between suboxone and subutex i think it is?,,,besides the price,…

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