Author: hatmaker510
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:18 am
Hi Shamrock,
My first question to you is are you going on suboxone with the help of a doctor? It almost sounds like you’re doing this on your own. Getting a doctor is really the best way to do it. We can try our best to guide you, but having a sub doctor – well, this is exactly what they are there to help you with.
That said, it’s possible that your tolerance was so high when you started suboxone that you simply did not take enough. I’m not sure that’s the case though, as I don’t know your full addiction history. But now that you’ve taken methadone, which is very long acting, you need to wait to get that out of your system before trying to re-start the suboxone again. You could go back to short acting opiates (oxy or whatever) for a few days (the suboxone will only block the effects- the HIGH- of the oxy) then go into withdrawals again before trying another induction onto suboxone again. That’s my opinion, but I must stress that I am NOT a doctor or any other kind of medical or addiction specialist. I’m sure others will see this post and offer their opinions as well.
I will again suggest that you consider getting a suboxone doctor to assist you with your treatment. That’s what they are there for. Continuing to treat ourselves and be our own doctor is considered by many to be another aspect of active addiction. We addicts LOVE to be our own doctors, prescribing (as it were) meds that we think we need and doing it our own way.
Good luck to you and keep us posted on how you are doing. Here’s hoping for a successful induction on the second time around.