Author: Breezy_Ann
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:50 pm
Hi Jenzo, I just wanted to let you know that my response was if someone was intentionally trying to become pregnant on sub. If you are indeed pregnant now by accident then that is a different story. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being excited and hoping your pregnant. This is not something you planned and in my opinion it is good to be happy. It might not be the best of circumstances but things happen unexpectedly in life and all we can do is embrace them. Please do not feel selfish for being happy and hoping that your child is growing inside you, I would be worried if you didn’t. As far as stopping sub I do understand, I think I would want to do the same. However there is no risk to the baby from sub while in your belly but there can be risk from stopping suddenly. The risk comes from withdrawls after birth. So take your time, you have 9 months to taper as long as your off a couple weeks before you deliver. Again this is just my opinion but I would stay stable on your dose for the 1st trimester and then slowly taper. The biggest chance of miscarriage is in the 1st trimester. If you don’t make it off then you don’t chances are your baby will be fine. Again I have not been in your shoes and can only say what I think i would do. I really hope everything turns out the way you want and remember in the end everything will be fine.