Can I quit, ever?

by Admin

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Author: Mr Magoo

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:39 pm

longtimer wrote:
I wonder the same thing. I’m 50. Been on this for 6 years. It wasn’t what I originally thought. I thought that there would be no wd-effects from the suboxone. I learned differently. But now that I’ve been on it soooo long-I wonder if my brain has actually healed in any way?
More likely-I have a worse prob. addicted to suboxone?
The thing is at my age, I’m afraid. One-how long would it take to be feeling better? And two-would I need some OTHER med. anyways? Without dope, I feel SICK.
So after wd, would I feel sick, like with arthritis, or worse?
I’m also afraid to lose my place with my doctor. They have a "list", and every time that our area loses a doctor that does this, the list gets longer.
Am I on this crap for life???
What would happen if I used methadone to try to ween-off the sub? Or would a short-term opiate be better?
I don’t feel like I should have to suffer much, or lose any more of my life to feeling sick.
Life is not meant to feel like crap every day, and that is what got me addicted in the first place-pain and sickness.
I don’t need to get high, or wasted, I just want to not feel bad or sick. That is NOT asking too much!
I feel like taking the suboxone doomed me to a choice between not feeling that great, (on it), or feeling like hell for a very long time trying to get off of it.

Longtimer, I’m 40 and used very high doses of opiates for the last ten years and suboxone for the last 13 months. I went on a seven month taper plan and am now 4 days pill free. All I can give you is my experience and getting off subs (when tapered correctly) is cake compared to ANYthing else. My biggest fear, because it has always effected me with everything else i withdrawal from was RLS and no sleep, but I have slept every night since quiting on Sunday. Whatever you do DO NOT use methadone to help. That’s the equivalent of using gasoline to try and put out a fire. Just my opinion of course, but take in mind a very educated opinion. I detoxed from methadone in 2007 and thats a hell i would not wish on even my ex wife. (laughs)

All I can say is other than some vicious spells of anxiety i am pill free and not sick on day 4. I was expecting something far different. I work from home and watch my 5 year old and had day 3-4-5 covered and cancelled day 4-5 with her babysitter because i am all good. I could of watched her on day 3 with no problems, but I figured I could use the day off and grandma missed her. Not saying you will have the same experience, but I would almost guarantee if you taper correctly you will be surprised how much easier than some of these doom and gloomers think. I am convinced that most of the people that can’t taper and quit are just not mentally ready. If you are ready you can do anything you want. If not the addiction will win every time.

I was ready. Can’t guarantee how i’ll do now, but I guarantee if I need to or feeel the need to use again I will not hesitate to go back on subs now that I know what I know. I have hated doctors forever and pegged them as lying enablers, but this time I was not lied to. For me Subs were in fact a miracle drug.

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