cayenne pepper before dosing.. awesome results!

by Admin

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Author: Stargazer

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:23 pm

Man, I don’t get it, and the truth is I’ve tried to get high on sub but the more I took, was just wasted. Gripes, I had the shits and ached all over, durring induction. It took a week and a bit just to feel ‘normal’ again, and that was after upping the dose to 16mg.
Some one said sub makes you feel refreshed," like you’ve just had brisk walk on a clear winter morning". If anything for me,,,thats about as close as your gonna get to getting high. Bup is a chemical you can’t ‘ride’ like other opiates, like 1 out of 10, as compared to say pethadine 10 out of 10.
After 2 years on sub I’ve had quite a few of those dope dreams, but sub was never the dope in the dreams.
Just because it does get some folk high, that ain’t worth squat to me, and if it did, I probably would need some other type of treatment.

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