Cold turkey at 13 weeks +

by Admin

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Author: marie

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:09 pm


Please don’t discontinue your Sub!

I completely understand what your going through. When I found out I was pregnant, I burst into tears! I was soooo scared about what effect my taking Sub would have on my child. And I was worried about the delivery, and how I’d be able to get adequate pain relief.

I was also VERY upset, like you…..because, AFTER YEARS OF FEELING SHITTY….I FINALLY felt normal! And not only that, but I didn’t want the extra responsibility, which comes along with having a baby. I had just advanced at work (where I was an Surgical/Anest Asst.) and had begun placing IV’s in the pts we sedate. And, I was getting ready to apply to RN school. I felt like having a baby would really get in the way of acheiving my goal to become a nurse. I also wasn’t even sure that I was stable enough to take care of another child (I have a 7yr old daughter).

My husband (before he did a ton of research) was horrified about how our baby would turn out…..and even asked me to get an abortion! And I wanted to get an abortion in the beginning too. We bought the abortion pill, but it DIDN’T WORK. I must have been further along than I thought I was (has to be taken w/in a couple days of conception to be effective).

After the pill didn’t work……I took that as a sign that God was giving me a gift, and I’d better appreciate it! My husband and I searched for as much info on Suboxone/Subutex, effects of Sub on pregnant women/babies, we talked to several doctors (including a high risk fetal specialist)……AND EVERYTHING WE DISCOVERED SAID ITS SAFEST TO REMAIN ON THE SUB.

I agree with DOQ…….I don’t think its safe at ANY TIME during pregnancy to quit your Sub, especially not ABRUPTLY!!
What about Methadone? Is that an option for you?

Im just SO WORRIED….with your current, seemingly unstable marriage/life, that you may relapse w/out the Sub. And even IF everything turns out ok after you’ve jumped……you get through the withdrawls, have a healthy/ full term pregnancy, and your baby is born healthy and without NAS…….WHAT ABOUT HOW YOU MIGHT FEEL AFTER BIRTH? A baby senses how its mommy feels. If your upset, depressed, anxious……your baby is most likely gonna feel that too.

You, and your baby DON’T DESERVE to suffer like this. Please do some more research, get a second/third, EVEN FOURTH opinion from an O.B…….AND THEN, reconsider your options. And I hate to see you/your husband part ways, but if he can’t support you NOW, he probably won’t later either. The stress/tension only GETS WORSE after the baby is born. Although he’s an important part of your life, you need to do whats best for YOU and that little BABY you’re growing inside you!

Please take care of yourself. And feel free to PM me if there’s ANYTHING I can help you with!

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