Author: NJSub
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:14 pm
Day 4:
The biggest thing I noticed is the waking up at 5am. But it’s not even that terrible. I gotta wake up at 7am for work anyway. so I’m pretty much whatever about that. I go to sleep by midnight. I take .01 mg clonidine a day (half in the morn and half in the eve) and it seems to be helping a lot. I go to work on hot rooftops and do strenuous work and I don’t feel my lethargy killing me if I’m moving and working. I’m actually quite amazed at how easy this is going physically.
Mentally I dunno. I just got out of a relationship with a girl I was in love with so I dont know if I’m depressed from that or depressed from that AND the withdrawal.
At night I usually get a little anxious or restless about an hour before bed. then I take some clonidine and go to bed.
On average is the worst I’m feeling now the worst I’m gonna feel? When does the acute withdrawal peak…on average?
This withdrawals are like a 4/10. 10 being dope sick straight off heroin.