Day 11: Discouraged

by Admin

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Author: jcb1981

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:46 pm

Wow, I can’t believe all the encouraging responses I’ve gotten to my original post. I’m sorry for not posting sooner.

Like the subject of this message says, I am elated about my progress but I’m still hurting, and my loved ones are getting tired of it. I have the advantage of working for my family, so they have been extremely lenient with me about work. But my partner, who has no experience with addiction or addicts, is getting weary of all this. We both just want "me" back, I suppose. I feel just empty inside: unable to offer anything to anyone. I’m one of the grateful ones that I’ve had enough Phenobarbital to sleep at night, but that’s just not enough.

But I’m not giving this up. I’m not even craving opiates. I’m simply trying to evade my own thoughts, which always turn to what I’m now without: Suboxone.


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