Day 3

by Admin

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Author: sodone

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:23 pm

Im 6 months pregnant right now and am on Subutex.. ANY type of withdrawal can cause miscarriage.. My doctor told me to not even think about coming off while I was pregnant because of how dangerous it can be.. You need to get back on.. find another doctor, do something and if you’re really determined to come off you need to taper ALOT lower than what you have, I dont think you know how strong these meds are, 1mg is NOT a low dose. Whatever the case you need to get back on somehow if you dont wanna take any risks and do whats best for the baby.. taper ALOT lower then 1mg then jump. You may be determined to be and stay clean but you cannot control the outcomes ANY type of withdrawal will have on your baby. Good Luck and please think about this and do whats best for baby.. the 1st trimester is the MOST FRAGILE.. Do something ASAP before its too late.

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