Happy To Still Be Here…No More Hiding!

by Admin

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Author: jdrummer78

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:19 am

i just wanted to take a moment to express how happy i am to be involved with open and honest discussions about my own, as well as other peoples, struggles with addiction. it feels wonderful to know that i have a place that i can talk about my concerns and share my experiences without being judged. i just recently reached out for help by being honest with my girlfriend and making an appointment to go see a suboxone dr. my girlfriend was unbelievably supportive…as was the receptionist at the dr’s office. i know that recovery is a long tough road, but i feel relieved that i’ve finally taken the proper steps to finding a better way to deal with opiate addiction and WDs. i’ve heard that sub WDs are terrible, and i kinda know firsthand because i’ve been juggling subs and pain killers(illegally) for years now. i’m ready to use it properly with my dr’s supervision and a good program. not looking forward to the WDs that i’m required to be in for my induction, but excited to finally get the proper care. hopefully this is all a means to an end. thanks to everyone that contributes here!!!

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