Here’s My Story

by Admin

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Author: Hlpplz123

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:19 am

I grew up partying, My mom was only 18 when she had me and she pretty much did evrything I guess. I would later learn that she was an IV heroin user and I remember the trips to the clinic so she could get her methadone in the early 80’s. She would eventually die of AIDS. She became infected by my sisters father who continued to use heroin even when my mom was clean for years. It was amazing that my sister was born by a mother who had AIDS (we didn’t know at the time, this was in 1984 when AIDS was still like a mystery) and was born healthy. My mother would pass about 3 years after my sisters birth.
I would start drinking in 8th grade and start dabbling with drugs through highschool. My grandma had 7 kids who were all products of the 70’s, so she knew all about drugs and alcohol. She would lecture me that the first time I come home drunk that I’m going to rehab. So we would just drink earlier so we could be sober when we came home at night. I realized that I liked downers more than uppers like coke, so I would become a pot head and continue to smoke till I was 35. At that time my wife was getting sick of my pot habits and my buddy was giving me shit for wanting to quit and not have to go get bags everyweek. So I quit smoking weed but started drinking more. Then I found a way to get opiates and it was all down hill. I remember starting off on the weekends getting like 5 roxy’s to chill and clearly remember a friend saying be careful. Everyone starts off partying on the weekends then it starts becoming daily and you hooked before you know it. Of course I didn’t plan on getting hooked. The problem as always was that i started to need to take more and more to get high till the point when i was taking 5 oxy 80’s a day and still barely getting off. I created a $1000 per week habit over the course of the past 2 years. It was only till the past 2 month’s that supply started getting a little low. The month before I just barely got by, this month everyone went dry and I knew this was it. So weather I wanted to or not I had to detox. I guess the best help for withdrawal is getting used to it a couple of times. My first instance I last 12 hours, was the worst ever and I thought I was going to die. I went to the emergency room at 5am in an ice storm, explaining I was suffering from severe neck pain which I do have an old injury from. The gave me some meds and I skated by. Other times I went into WD bc of no supply I would be able to last a little longer which was not by choice, just the circumstances of waiting on someone to come through.
So now I am 7 days sober and already feel like so many things are going to change in my life. I’m came here trying to learn how to use subs correctly and learned alot. I waited 40hrs after my last oxy this time and then took the plunge with Subs and it worked. First time I tried to detox I went into PWD and was back on Oxy’s with in the hour. This time I only had 3 films and am down to .75mg a day already. Just want to thank those who gave me input and a place to share my story. Good luck to all.. It is possible..U can do it.. I did

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