How long does it take to stabalize on Suboxone?

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Author: LauraL3

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:09 pm

Hi hatmaker! I hope all is well. I just wanted to let anyone that’s here or read my journey so far know, I am doing a bit better. Def not as foggy as I was in the beginning. I am taking 10 mil all together of subs… 4 in the am 4 in the evening. 2 at night. I am having sleep issues/back issues. If anyone else has doe the meth to sub switch I would love to hear there exp after being stable for a bit. Htamaker send them my way if you can. Smile I have like no one to really ask as this is my first time ever on this medication. It is def different then Meth, that is a good thing in a way, being meth free for 10 days is a blessing.

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