I will try not to gloat but…WOW!

by Admin

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Author: l i v i n

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:53 pm

Thank you for the response Dr. Junig, I appreciate you taking the time to adress my concerns in the post I made awhile back. I have since moved into a more "balanced" state mentally. The "honey moon" phase that I was experiencing at the time has subsided a bit, but I still feel amazing and happy to be off everything.

however, I do see some of your points in a different light now that I have had about 4 months off of subs. What I mean by this is that I do have days here and there that bring on some cravings. The cravings I have are actually for suboxone, likely due to the fact that taking subs everyday for over 2 years became a habit and ritual all in itself. Now I do see how this "disease" will take some work to keep in submission.

Although I do not plan on going to meetings I am considering the possibility of seeing a therapist just to talk me through what brings these cravings on and what tools I could use to move past them.

Now on a more positive note, I still do feel as happy and hopeful about life as I did that week I wrote this post. I wake up early for work and am excited to start my day. I have this new optimism that I have never had before, even before the drugs. I have never felt better. The ONLY issue’s come in times of bordom or days that I feel overworked and stressed. Its these times that I use to take some suboxone and maybe watch a movie and regroup. Now I have nothing to take so I have to learn how to get through these rare moments. So far I have been successful. The "move a muscle change a thought" saying has actually helped me the most which is ironic considering the tone of my previous post which may have come off a little negative towards AA.

So in conclusion, I do agree more with you now that I have had some time off of the drug. Although, I would say for me seeing a therapist on occasion is more desirable than making a routine out of going to meeings. I think all I need right now is a little guidence but I dont want to make this a big part of my life. Hopefully I will continue on this path and not be one of those patients that says "it wont be me" and then relapses. At the moment I cant even imagine that being a possibility but I do understand it is always a possibility. Thank you.

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