Author: melijm
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:40 am
Tomorrow marks my 3rd week on Sub.So far,so good.Its improved my mood tremendously.I got started out on a bad foot with a bad Dr.Went to see a new one and he upped me to 16 mg and we will take it from there.On 16,I no longer get that extreme fatigue,withdrawal type,that hits me in the afternoon.Its like I could feel it wear off.My cravings were curbed in the 10-12 range.Anyhow…
When I am getting ready to fall asleep (also sleep like a baby at this dose) my body does this wierd twitching thing.It must be related to the Sub because I never had that before.I also jump sometimes as I dose off.Thats happened before but the twictching is random,any part of my body.Has anyone experienced this?
I can’t say enough good about this med.The only other side effect I have is my ears ring at a higher pitch,my sensitive teeth are more sensitive(thinking something in the films irritate them)and…constipation.That seems to be a biggie with this med.Funny thing is when I was popping pills all day-every day,never had a problem with that.Wierd.Nothing a couple softeners cant cure.
Its a good feeling to be free of pill counting,forgetting how many I took,thinking about where,when and how Im going to get more,what story do i tell the Dr this time,hope the pharm fills it,am I going to get caught,do I have enough to last until..,scared to go into withdrawal again,will my husband pick up on it etc…I catch my mind worrying if I will be in withdrawal on such and such a day but then I’m like "Hey! I dont have to worry about that anymore! I will feel good" !