Journey of a Taper

by Admin

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Author: laddertipper

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:26 pm

rule62 wrote:
Well so much for trying to taper slowly. Went to my ENT yesterday for a followup for that sinus infection I had and she discovered two lumps on my throat. Told me I will need to have surgery to take one or both off and today I’m scheduled for a CT scan to see what the heck they are. Next Wednesday is a biopsy procedure.

She said she was very concerned and really wouldn’t answer any questions. Just said to get this done ASAP.

So now with surgery on the near horizon I need to either jump now or do a fast taper. From what I’ve read from others here is you need to be off Sub for three days before surgery. Sound right? Luckily I am at a low dose so it shouldn’t be all that bad. Have been on 1.25 for the last three days but will drop to 1mg today. I have some Clonidine to assist.

What do you all think? Will jumping from 1mg be all that bad? She didn’t say when the surgery will be but it is a definite. I’d hate to be dealing with bad w/d’s before I go into this but may have to. Pretty confused and a little scared right now.

Oh man, I’m so sorry this is happening to you….It’s so hard to wait and see and be worried.

You absolutely need to speak with the anesthesiologist. You don’t want to back yourself into a corner and be unable to get pain relief. I jumped off 3 mg 1 week before surgery in ’07 and it still took many Fentanyl injections to knock the rest of the Sub off. The anesthesiologist will know what to do, but they have to know exactly what you are and have been taking.

It’s amazing how many of us tapering people end up having to push it along because of surgery.


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