Laughter is the Best Medicine

by Admin

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Author: Romeo

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:01 pm

OK, I heard this news report on the radio the other day and found it to be quite hilarious.

Apparently, a man in Minnesota was sentenced to 5 years in prison for having sex with a deer…..yes, you read that right, he was having sex with a deer!! The news report said this guy would creep out there at night and do his thing.

This brings up a few questions for me.

#1—how on earth do you get a wild deer to stand still while having sex with it?? BTW, I’m NOT really looking for an answer here.

#2—how was said man caught?? There happened to be a policeman there who saw the whole thing?? Ummm, what was the policeman doing there……looking for the goats maybe??

#3—Why is it OK to blow a deer’s head off with a high power rifle, but you can’t have sex with it?? I wonder if we were to ask the deer, what would he prefer??

#4—I’ve been pretty dang stoned many times in my life, but I have never considered having sex with a deer!! What is wrong with people????

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