Author: slashNaxl
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:02 am
This seems like a great method, to both be absolutely certain of the exact amount of bupe in your dose, and it’s faster than taking the pills sublingually.
I think it’s worth noting that the bioavailability of buprenorphine when taken sublingually is only somewhere around 30%, and much higher when taken intranasally, or obviously, intravenously. But you NEVER want to just swallow the pill…the bioavailability of oral administration is very low….basically, for those who don’t know, bioavailability (BA) is the amount that enters your bloodstream…so if it’s 30%, that means that when you take an 8mg pill, you’re really only getting about 2.5 mg’s. The rest is lost during the metabolization process and doesn’t reach your opiate receptors.
This is why I never take suboxone sublingually. I don’t care if snorting pills, or anything, is frowned upon in society, scientifically and logically it just makes more sense. I’m not comfortable with needles, so IV is out of the question. However I am intrigued by your method, of using the oral syringe…although honestly I’d just put the liquid up my nose