Mad at users abusing this miricle drug

by Admin

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Author: blackberrybunny

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:03 pm

About YouTube: Over the weekend, I spent a great deal of my weekend searching for any youtube video that had any information in it about Suboxone, Subutex, or Buprenorphine. There were a lot more videos on Suboxone than there were for Subutex and Buprenorphine.

I THINK it was when I was searching for Buprenorphine that I came across those 2 guys showing how to shoot up in their 2 videos. They were NOT shooting Suboxone or Sub or Bupe, but something bright pink. They actually said the name of the drug, but I forgot what it was. Anyhow, I wasn’t actively seeking info on HOW to shoot drugs, it was just there! AND I came across another video while searching for Buprenorphine that had absolutely NOTHING to do with it, but was labled Bupe (I think) and it was this woman writhing and touching herself, although she was clothed, it was an ad to visit some skanky website. I immediately flagged that video. The one with the guys shooting up was already labeled with an age consent warning. I watched both of them, because I could not believe what I was seeing, wondering, "Are they REALLY going to show this?!!" I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

Which makes me think of the movie called "Requiem for a Dream." Has anyone seen it? About the heroin? The poor kid shot up in his arm, got an abcess, and in the end had to have his arm cut off. It was awful.

I would NEVER use my Suboxone in any way other than the way you are supposed to use it. It has literally saved my life! I am not using any opiates anymore, and the best part is that I am not obsessing about them either, or about being high. Oh, well, the best part, really, is that it has taken all of my mind-curdling spinal pain away!!! I truly consider it MY miracle drug. Smile

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