Major morning axiety and evening sadness??? HELP!

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Author: Lakegirl

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:32 am

Thank you so much again……….Romeo 5 weeks??????? I will go even more crazy if this goes that long becuase I am so scared that since this reminded me so much of the axiety I started with before drugs that it will never go away!
How did you do it??? And how long ago was that??? And how do you feel now? So one day did you just realize no panic attacks. I know I am having them one after another and then just when they subside something or someone triggers anotehr one. But what really sucks that underneath these panic attacks I am exhausted!

You know what really sucks too is that I woke up on Monday feel GREAT!!!!! And we had a major turmoil with our dog…….it was crazy and I can’t even go into it but I think that set me off and blew all my nerves up!

Well, I am not going to go near xanax……….I can’t reverse this whole thing………my worst fear is my kids and how they are reacting to me. And that they will get over this without it affecting thier life. When I have been thier number one for everything and then to have me this fudged up for over a year makes me so sad for them.

Ok……..back to the day! Love you all!!

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