My 3 Year Sub Journey – Pros/Cons/Information

by Admin

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Author: Taurus

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:27 pm

Thank you for posting this. I just got on sub a week ago today and fort 3 of the nightsI was in bed, I did exactly what you described. I have never caught myself doing this in my life. When going to sleep, I wake myself up gasping for a breath. It happened like 10 times the first time, and then the 2nd and 3rd night it happened again a few times. It scared me because I don’t know how long I went without breathing each time, and I have never done this before. All I know is that I woke up taking a huge breath in every time it happened. I was pretty sure it’s the sub that caused this because, like I said, I’ve never done this before. But I don’t remember hearing anyone else ever say this has happended to them, so I thought maybe it wasn’t the sub. But now that you have said this happened to you, I do think it has to be because I am putting this new med in my body. I was already planning on trying to do a rapid taper since it’s been 7 days since I’ve taken a Norco and it’s probably all out of my system by now. So I’ve been on 6mg since last Saturday and I already cut down to 4mgs today. So I’m going to try to continue to taper before I get too far into this med to where I’m physically dependent on it too.

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