My baby is here and is healthy

by Admin

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Author: sweet16

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:15 pm

Congratulations Calebsmom123.
That is so wonderful. What a presious time in your life. I believe you made the right decision for you & your baby. I myself had my babies at home (I was not on sub. at the time) because of the things they do in the hosp. that I feel are completely un necessary. I also believe the placenta filters out so much of what we moms ingest before it goes into our babys system. That is one of the main functions of the placenta.
This post will help so many other expecting moms that are in the same position. So glad you shared your experience.
Just curious if breastfeeding, how much of the medication actually gets into the system of the baby. I was on mega doses of opiates (perscribed) while breastfeeding & I did not notice any adverse effects on my baby and he was my 3rd. Blessings to you & the new babe…. Very Happy

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