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Author: Bboy42287

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:15 pm

An update on how things are going and things are going real well right now my pain and addiction is intact right now so good that I signed up for the fall semester. I am so proud of myself because that was one of my big goals with starting methadone was to be able to get back in school as some of you remember I reinjured my knee real bad and had to take last semester off because of how bad things were going with my addiction/pain. I don’t know if I will be able to do it or not but it was a huge step for me to even sign up. So i am keeping my fingers crossed things only get better with my treatment over time.

But I did think of one bummer winter in Buffalo and having to drive to the clinic every day. But that will be my sixth month mark in December so I am hoping I might be getting some take homes soon. Either way things are going well and stay toon for more updates.

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