Negative UA??

by Admin

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Author: ajjforever

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:14 am

I started on Suboxone last week and as you all know had to submit a sample for an initial UA. Well I have a shy bladder and could not pee while the nurse was in there. So she left, but then I was already so stressed out that I still couldn’t go. So I drank a bunch of water… Finally pee’d, but she said my UA came out clean. I had taken 12 Vikes the day before and 15 the day before that and so on…

The next day after taking 12 mg of Suboxone and submitting another sample, my UA was negative again. Because of what had happened the day before, I chugged juice all the way there.

I have such a guilty concious after lying for the last decade, that I feel guilty for having a negative UA when its obviously suppossed to be positive!!

What could be happening? Can you dilute your pee so much that it comes out clean? They sent the first sample into a lab, will that finally show that I really am a lying, cheating addict?? lol

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