Author: PimlicoSlim
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:39 am
Thanks guys for the warming welcome. Ooof, yea Id have to give some serious thought to stop smoking it all together just like that. I honestly dont think Im ready to do that. I feel like it boosts the bupes a bit as both substances prey upon the same receptors in the brain. My bupe Dr. actually encourages me to stay on it right now. Ive been peeing dirty for MJ for quite some time. Lets rewind a bit so I can elaborate on this, see I WAS on 6mg of klonopin a day along with my bupe up until about 7 months ago. I wasnt smoking herb during this time that I was taking the pins, when I came off the pins I started to smoke again because it helped ease the anxiety I was experiencing and Ive been smoking ever since. So I feel like it REALLY helped me through that time. I could function at 100% while coming off the pins while still smoking at the same time. It has actually gotten to the point where like you said im smoking morning noon and night with all this idle time that I have…but I feel like I handle it very well for the time being. I will most likely smoke until a few weeks after Im off the bupe to be honest. Id really like to have something to calm my nerves once I take the jump. Does this make sense or am I completely out of line here in my thinking?