Newbie – Day 2 of Suboxone Treatment

by Admin

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Author: rule62

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:05 pm

Welcome Nik to our forum. This is really a great support forum and I do hope you get some useful information from everyone.

What time of day are you dosing? I am surprised the doctor didn’t do their part in explaining the dosing procedure. The first induction is supposed to be done in the office while under supervision so they can start you on a decent dose. Then it sometimes takes a few days to a week or two to get it all correct.

I ask because you are now just adjusting to it. It is a form of an opiate and if taken later in the day can cause those vivid dreams and weird stuff mentally. You may be on too high of dose but it’s too early to know that as you body takes time to get used to it.

The recommended dosing is once per day preferably in the morning. Some dose twice, etc., depending on what is decided between them and their doctor. I’m just saying what I read about it on the pharmacy pamphlet. And dosing once a day in the morning seems to keep one from constantly thinking about their next dose. We try to break old time triggers of always looking forward to getting that fix in the evening. At least that’s true about me.

So once again, Welcome! Keep on posting your progress and congratulations on finding recovery.

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