Author: rule62
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:21 pm
I’m glad things are working out for you. And funny thing about being labeled an addict to your benefit! For once it works the other way.
Stick with what your doctor tells you. We are not physicians here, only addicts who share our experience of Bup/Sub.
But don’t worry about going through w/d’s because of taking it late. Sub has a very long half life of 37 hours. Several times I have forgot to bring my Sub to work and had no problems at all taking it later on that day. Never felt one bit of symptoms of w/d’s. Fear not. If fact, one day I totally forgot to take it until very late in the day. Try that with Norco or Oxy’s. At least the addiction cycle is broken for me. Yea.
Keep up the good work, and enjoy your new found recovery.