Author: hatmaker510
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:02 am
I also take sub for pain as well as addiction, as Fairrobin said. I’ve been on it since Dec 2008. The dose you’re taking for your pain is a bit on the low side when it comes to dosing for pain. That said, it’s pretty individualized and what works for my pain won’t necessarily work for yours. But I will tell you how I dose. I take 8 mg in the morning every day and I usually dose another 8 mg in the afternoon. On really REALLY bad days I’ll take an extra 4 mg (or more if need be), but on good days, I might only take 4 mg in the afternoon instead of that second 8 mg. So my dose on average ranges from 12-24 mg per day.
I’ve tried to reduce my dose and the lowest I can go is the 12 mg, and again, that only works on a "good" pain day. You are correct in dosing more than once per day though. Sub’s pain properties only last on average 4-6 hours, not like the 37 hour half life when it comes to treating addiction. So you might even need to dose 3 times a day, depending on your pain levels.
You might need to experiment a bit with your dose to see what works for you best. Maybe try 4 mg twice a day to see if that helps first and go from there.
If you have more questions about using sub for pain, feel free to just ask (or PM me if you’d rather).