Sensitive to smell during/after Sub withdrawal

by Admin

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Author: Romeo

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:16 am

I get the "smells" more than I care for too. They’re not constant, but they happen more than I care for. Most of the times the smell is………Hmmm………funky for lack of a better word. But then the other day I opened a drawer up here at the house and you know that strong wood smell you get from new wood, that crazy smell was with me all day!!!

It’s like a smell gets stuck in my nose, but after reading what you said, I don’t think it’s our noses, it’s our brains. The smells that get stuck are always a STRONG smell, usually a funky smell, but then when that wood smell got stuck the other day, it really got me to thinking, WTH is going on?? Honestly, I figured it was due to my heavy cocaine use, I figured the cocaine had burned the hell out of something in my nose and that’s why I was getting these smells stuck in my nose??

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