Author: carpediem
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:51 pm
sweet 16 you got me spot on. I am at the end of my rope and am going to do whatever it takes to get healthy from this point forward. All of your advice is much appreciated. I am having a really hard time with guilt because my support network disappeared this weekend because of my relapse. I know I have been mean to my body and if I can just make it one more week I think I’ll be okay. I’m just ruining friendships along the way and it is really tough. I also appreciated what you said about what you give will come back. I haven’t been treating people well, really depressed, etc. and it is showing in the way others are treating me. I just need to relax and remind myself that this is a phase and it will be worth it. That is mainly why I came to this forum. I just need some extra support. thanks.