Started Taper NEED Support

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Author: JayDub

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:29 pm

If you see my other post you will notice I was experiencing really bad muscle twitches and anxiety. Well, after debating if I should try a long wean, I decided to shorten it. If this is not a good idea, please let me know.

I am coming down from taking 1MG twice a day. I started to taper and really felt fine. About 3 weeks ago I started to go down to what I think is about 1MG-1.5MG daily. The past three days I thought it would be fine to go down even further since I felt ZERO withdrawal, but now I think I am feeling them.

I am down to taking crumbs. I take a super small piece that is so small I do not know what the dosage is!? This might sound good, but IT IS NOT. I have one Suboxone left and I can get more, but I don’t want to. One Suboxone usually lasts me 5-6 days with this new schedule, but I can’t judge the MG on that since sometimes I have to get the piece so small that I scrape pieces while parts fall on the floor.

I think I want to try MAYBE taking .25 – .5 tonight to do a slower taper so I minimize the withdrawals. Right now I do not feel that terrible, but my twitches are at an all time high, I JOLT when I am falling asleep, I feel so tired, dry and just plain restless and shitty.

I could use some advice. Does anyone think I should just try to stick out the rest of the day to see how I feel tomorrow, then maybe take a piece? Or should I just stick to taking something twice a day but going down to a lower dose? The way I feel is if I take .25 and it only makes me feel a ‘little’ better, I would rather not take anything at all. This morning I took such a small piece and it made me only feel a little better with a "somethings not right" feeling in the back of my mind.

My girlfriend did Suboxone for about 6 months and weaned off no problem. But her system was weird. She just took it in the morning and at night then eventually forgot to take it one day. Then she said she never felt withdrawal at all. Oh do I envy her.

What do you guys recommend? And how can I split this thing and know EXACTLY what dose I am getting??????

P.S. Did anyone ever get blurry vision as a w/d symptom or is this an anxiety symptom? I feel like my eyes are strained. This withdrawal seems so much different than opiate. I feel tired but I jolt whereas on the opiate withdrawal I would yawn a lot and be in pain. Maybe I weaned so low that I am feeling full withdrawal but this is the extent of it?

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