Author: auspicious
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:43 pm
Yeah…. There’s no need for the opana . She pretty much will prescribe as much as I want . It’s ridiculus. And I definetley don’t need something will strong. What I will do is find a way to burn that bridge so that its not even an option. May sound strange but sometimes I have to take rational thinking and run with it…. Sort of corall myself for.the not so strong times. First I’m just going to say no. And hopefully tell her I don’t really
need it. I already tried just not showing up but she charged me fifty bucks. Lol . Pusher…..
The buep works ….. I only take .25 mg at a time so.a script last me like …months. I’m going to stock up and quit paying for visits. However somtimes like every few weeks I get really lethargic/sick sometimes it lloks like I have jaundis aro und the eyes. I sleep for 2 days. Is this stuff killing my liver? It seems like a cycle.