Subutex & Teeth

by Admin

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Author: Bboy42287

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:41 pm

hatmaker510 wrote:
Suboxone itself has no effect on teeth per se. All opiates tend to cause dry mouth though. And remember, you were on opiates for how long before suboxone? Plus consider that it takes years for tooth problems to develop. The best thing I can suggest to do is to try those Biotene products that are supposed to treat dry mouth. For me, I always have something to drink with me – I mean at ALL times.

I respectfully disagree HAT, I never had dentals problems my whole life not on cavity nothing. One year of being on suboxone my dental health went to shit. I had to get my teeth cleaned every other months instead of the normal 3 to 5, cavities AND THE WORST OF ALL OF THEM CANKER SORES! Since stopping and starting methadone I have notice all those problems have let up.

As of subutex i dont know but i have also heard some of those rumors.

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