Author: ReRaise
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:18 pm
How great to see an update from you. I know that I was probably some of the cause for the drama you speak about…. but we are addicts and we learn from our own behavior. Actually the thing I liked about you was that it was ok for be to be a jerk sometimes when I was suffering and if I was in your spot right now I am not sure I could react like you are.
I have seen several people in AA doing really well and then all of sudden something from their past comes up and they end up in jail. I can’t believe what happended to you…….I always used to say if I was arressted for some of the things others have told me including family that I would go to prison not get drug court, or probation like they did. I knew I would go to prison for a long time.
Politics of course sometimes comes into play as my grandfather built the fire department in my town where I grew up and what goes for one doesn’t always go for the other’s. At least you get your sub…….that I am glad for or this could be a really bad time in your life.
Each year seems to go by fast……..I almost have 3 yrs on suboxone……….my hope is those 90 days go fast for you. At least you get to leave and I know you hate to pay that money but I would pay if I could get out of there………Remember when you get out…..people will be watching even closer and that’s when your recovery needs to be at it’s best. Don;t let those resentments get the better of you……….
I know you feel like a fish out of water. But you know just as I do ……we all deserve some kind of punishment for the things we did in active addiction…….do it and get it over with and then you will know you are right with God, the courts and everyone.
I know I was part of that drama you experienced……..there was reasons and some day I will talk about them……in the meantime……take your subs,,,,,,say your prayers and get the hell out of there with no issues.
Good Luck……Donh