Author: Romeo
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:42 am
It looks like you were on 4mg of Suboxone for 3 years, in the last few weeks you tapered from 4mg to 1.5mg and you’re going to jump off this Saturday. Hmmm, 1.5mg is a little on the high side, but because you were only at 4mg for so long, you might not have it too rough?? This is a hard one to call.
Would you consider tapering for a few more weeks and get that dose even lower?? That would go a long way to ensuring a more painless withdrawal.
Anyway, benzo’s (valium, xanax) will help calm and relax you, but you have to be extremely careful with benzo’s…..if you get hooked on those suckers, they’re way harder to quit than opiates!! Clonidine is a must, it’s a Blood Pressure medication that’s prescribed off label for opiate wd. It will help calm your nervous system response. I took .1mg twice daily of Clonidine.
Those are the only two things I took that helped me at all.
Many others on here have taken a broad range of supplements/meds that helped them, but I’m not going to speak for them, especially seeing as how some of the stuff they took didn’t do jack for me!!
Good luck, welcome to the forum and keep us posted.