Babies on morphine?

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Author: dudex4

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:12 pm

In Michigan I was told by a nurse on L&D floor that we had the right to refuse but that if it came to that Dr’s and NICU nurses would not be happy with us saying no…by standing our ground on how we felt abt the morphine(considering he only had 4-5 scores over 8 but never higher than 12) we were able to avoid him being put on morphine but we made it known we did not want him on it from the start unless he truly needed it which I am not a dr but he did not. All he needed was me to hold him. His w/d symptoms were minimal and typical newborn behavior. Our baby was the 1st in our hospital to leave without morphine! I felt so blessed and also hope that he showed that staff not every baby needs morphine! We have to be our childrens advocate I truly believe if we hadn’t stood our ground to make sure everyone knew how we felt abt morphine that they would have started him on it @ some point while i wasn’t there. they seem all too ready to start babies on morphine i wish they could find another way because sub is a partial antagonist and morphine is full antagonist I would think with morphine they are getting way more drugs then they ever did in the womb! Plus by the time they start it 48-72 hrs after birth the babies have already gone threw some w/draw if it isn’t severe it would seem better to get baby threw those next couple days being comforted and soothed by mom as long as the baby is safe of course. I think SOME nurses are very judgmental when scoring these babies and it makes me sick! They don’t understand sub or why people take sub and its really too bad. Good luck! Praying for you…

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