Day 11: Discouraged

by Admin

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Author: Curious_Gia

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:37 pm

I felt exactly the same as you jcb except I was still depressed 6 months after my last dose of suboxone. I also tapered similar to you and the withdrawals for me were a long drawn out affair. The one major obstacle for recovery for me was the horrible depression. I never had any sort of depression prior to when I got on the sub train. I too am very concerned about folks going through this horrible depression when they get off the sub train. I was taking sub for 2 1/2 years so I can’t imagaine how difficult it is for you after taking it for 5 years. I went back on suboxone 6 months after my last dose of 0.25. I think I will taper more slowly this time but I think us vetrans will have a long ride on the emotional side of things. Another person who went to the same doc as mine wanted to die because the depression was so bad. I always thought I was alone because at meetings people spoke about how its normal for women to get depressed more so then men and how they kept saying the only men who get depressed are unmanly and they need to grow a pair so I believed it was normal for me but now am reading more and more horror stories of never ending depression by both women and men after opiates and more so with suboxone then anything else. I couldnt believe 6 months on I was unmotivated and very low 24/7 and I wasnt on suboxone long as many people either, plus I did a reasonable taper. I dont think anyone can be low all the time for months and months and years. I have read where people feel depressed for years after their last dose of sub. I was never depressed in my youth nor ever had any depression issues, am only 23 for god sake. I got a supportive family and I dont have to worry about anything else so why should I have still felt this depresson or paws whatever you call it for sooooo damn long. I felt so isolated then as I thought I was alone but then I started to lurk around boards and realised I was not the only one to go through this. I too find it hard to look for people who have made it past the paws and depression phase after being on sub for 1, 2 years and over. This scares the hell out of me man. Let us know how you get on dude.

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