Dental Surgery Complete, Tumor/Mass surgery complete!!!!!

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Author: GregNitty28

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:35 pm

Thank you for the GET WELLS, Yes im pretty young but the dental operation was my choice to get rid of the decayed teeth that the drugs had destroyed, it was purely cosmetic….you start to become a little more self concious when your sober now, and the Growth/Mass surgery, I thought was a cyst at first but the surgeon told me otherwise that it was a mass and its pretty common,it didnt hurt, it was just alittle noticeable under my niipple and i wanted to get it out to be safe and also it didnt look attractive lol, believe it or not he said marijuana can cause tissue growths like that but the reasoning was unsure why it grew…..I never knrew that I smoked heavily for about 11 years straight 4 to 5 cigars a day, but ive been Pot free for about 18 months and drug free for about 7 months. THanks again for the replies!

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