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Author: slipper

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:35 pm

pianoman wrote:
Hi John Like i said in my first post i quit all opiates back in April for 6wks i couldnt take the sub whitdrawal and had to take an 1/2 of vic 2x daily because i have to work i couldnt fuction anymore and i had to wait 3mos. for my insur to kick in. when i finaly went to the doc he said it was Deppression and gave me the paxil which i only took for a couple of days and stopped because it made me sick. He offerd the subs but i’m scared of them now dont know how to ween off. And things i read on the internet about how hard they are to get off and what im going thru Hopefully this will just go away. I know i need to see a better Doc. and prob. get back on the subs but right now im stuck were i’m at with this horriable burnning and depression Thank you all for your input i will keep you posted

TO: PIANOMAN: I wonder why your doctor just put you on 1mg. of sub? That is an awfully low dose. I think it would be wise to get back on the sub (ask for subutex because it is cheaper and doesn’t have the naloxone in it) and maybe go up to 8 mg. If you don’t feel better right away you will at least know it might be the subs. I don’t think you took paxil long enough to have withdrawals from it. When I quit Paxil cold turkey I had this feeling like I was plugged in to 110 volts that would come on about every 30 minutes. Please, please do not take vicodin for this….if you are indeed an addict you will be back on them in no time. It would be much better to take the sub., also an opiate, but not addictive like vicodin. This is all just my opinion…I am no doctor..but I do think you should talk this over with your doctor and mention what I’ve said here.

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