Author: rule62
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:40 pm
I’ve been an optimist all my life and it’s much better than being a pessimist. The brain and body do much better with positive thinking. At least that’s what they say.
Some people have even faulted my for it, but I don’t make excuses. I always try to find the good in things and mostly do. If you look for the evil, you’ll find it. But give someone a chance and a compliment, you’ve got a friend for life.
Same goes when I have a complaint with some company. I am very polite, patient, and use humor to make the process work in my favor. People have no idea how much I get accomplished by giving compliments. Credit on my bills, free HBO for months, etc.
So keep it up my friend. It makes the world a whole lot better place to live in.
And the study? I too am hopeful the information will be used for the better treatment of future addicts. I even suggested them producing comfort meds to support the addict that tapered and jumped. It was just really nice to give my opinion. My views mirrored those here.
Keep the attitude going.