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Author: Romeo

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:25 am

Hi Robin (love that avatar of yours!!),

Listen, it’s perfectly normal to be scared, it’s perfectly normal to be nervous, it is 100% perfectly normal to fear the unknown. EVERYONE I have ever known who was facing some kind of wd had been scared leading up to it.

You asked for some emotional support, I understand ya……I really do, so here’s a (((((BIG HUG))))) for ya.

OK, anxiety, sweats and shaking can certainly be wd symptoms, in my opinion, that’s what you were experiencing. I’m not sure about the neck spasm though?

Now, Acute OxyContin wd would last 4 or 5 days and it is HELL, the WORST wd I have EVER experienced in my life. You have been on Suboxone for 17 days, so you have got past the Acute portion of the OxyContin wd and that’s a very, very good thing. What you’re gonna have left to deal with though is PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome), PAWS are usually a more mild version of Acute wd, but they can still suck, but you’ll make it through Robin. You have to dig deep, you have to want this and most importantly you have to remember that when you start to feel really crappy that it will get better….it may take a few days, but it’ll get better. It’ll happen slower than you want it to, but you will get better.

BTW, the Clonidine will help, it’s a great med for opiate detox, but it will not erase all of your symptoms. Valium is a great med for opiate detox, you just have to be extremely careful with it, it’s highly addictive if you use it for too long. Taking the Clonidine now is perfectly fine, but I would hold off on the Valium until you absolutely think it’s necessary to take it.

Last thing, I abused opiates for over a decade and I am totally opiate free now. I know what you’re going through right now, I know what you’re gonna go through…….it may get pretty difficult, but you can do it…… know why I know you can do it??? Because if a total wuss like me can do it then you can certainly do it!!

Hang in there Robin!!

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