Author: Danielle83
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:28 pm
Ok I have plenty of experience with both. Iwas on the pills 3 2mg pills a day for almost 3 years. I have been on the film now a little over a year same dosage.. But the film is stronger.. The reason for this is because with the pills you are not absoring as much of the medicine as you are with the film. The film disolves much quicker therefor your body is absorbing a much higher dosage of buprenorphine than you do with the pills. There are things on the internet that will tell you exactly how much. But my doctor did a very good job of explaining this to me also. Another important thing for you to know is that your body will never build a tolerance to suboxon. No matter what people tell you it is because of the "ceiling effect" that this is true. so I would not worry about that. Keep up with your normal dose on your pills as long as you stick with same amount every day and try to stay around the same time Im sure you will feel better soon. Sorry you had a bad experience with the film I personally really like it. You were most likely just taking a higher dosage than what you had been used to with out even relizing it.