Author: djkayallday
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:10 pm
Hi guys,
Just a quick note to the OP: Prescribing it to yourself was a bad idea, since you’re not going to get anything from your doctor unless you stop taking it for a while and let your T levels go back to normal. You need a blood test to confirm your levels. Also, you should really have a blood test after you start taking it to check and see if your levels are too high or low, because both can cause side effects.
Also, don’t get the gels if you can afford it. Gels are expensive and many people have reported poor absorption through the skin which prevents their levels from raising up to where they need to be. Even though i’m young (early 20’s) I had the same things happen to me, so I went to my DOCTOR and got tested. They prescribed me Androgel and I hated it, as it burned and smelled like rotten alcohol pads (since alcohol makes up a large part of the gel), and I was afraid of it getting on my clothes/girlfriend/pets. It was also 200 or something dollars a month (my copay was 20, but still I have a high deductible and am on suboxone and two meds for narcolepsy) which was insane for what it really contained. Get the inject-able stuff, and try to do it bi-weekly or weekly to keep your levels from fluctuating too much. You obviously don’t hate needles, but if anyone reading this does they can go to a COMPOUNDING pharmacy and they will make a gel for you. Not a lot of them around though.
After switching, my levels are sky high and I get an erection when the wind blows! It’s annoying but my sex life is unreal compared to how it was before. I seriously am insatiable, which was NEVER the case even before my addiction.