Two weeks clean from norco,lot of chronic pain and headaches

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Author: stevemc

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:42 pm

Hey Howard,

Thanks for posting this. Most everyone here has gone through what you are describing. Your body is used to having norco and is trying to trick you into giving it more. The headaches and pain are classic. I just read an article from Dr Junig which mentioned the same response. I had six back surgeries myself over the past 20 plus years. Fused up entire lumbar, and live with daily pain. Nobody (except my wife) wold blame me for taking something for it. The problem is that it ends up not being enough, and your body tricks you. The pain is very real. I have been on suboxone for over a year now and believe it was necessary to get away from the addict lifestyle. I can tell you i’m in the middle now. I don’t think about narcotics anymore, but am having trouble stopping the subs. A quick story- I was working at a Walgreens pharmacy about 6 weeks ago. (I know, funny) I was moving some shelving and found about 3 or 4 norco. I quickly pocketed them and had that old feeling of excitement that comes with it. However, when I got home, I flushed them and forgot about it. I was proud of myself after that. So I don’t know if we ever get back to where we were before narcotics, but I am much better than when on them. If it helps at all, you are in the one of the hardest parts of it right now. There is no such thing as rapid detox, I don’t care what anyone tells you. It has been a part of your life for a long time and it’s going to take a long time to get away from it. Try to stay strong. Find a hobby that you enjoy and immerse yourself in it. Music and reading are for me.

Take care.

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