Author: e.r.regular
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:16 am
All i can say is man I am proud of you, and I don’t even know you! You had refill and had the will power not to use it when you had withdrawals, wow. I don’t think I could or rather would do that.
I have been on SUBX for 5+ years and have never had the need for surgery until now and I don’t have time to taper off. The surgery is not as serious or invasive as yours, it’s just a hemorrhoid removal. I used to get them all the time when abusing, but haven’t had one in 7 years. The pain is pretty bad for about 3 days after and especially the first 36 hours. I remember living in a hot bath tub because the percocet didn’t handle the pain. Like you, I don’t know if it was the pain level or my narc tolerance that made the experience so memorable, but I would expect it will be worse this time.
I’m told it takes about 9 days to get SubX completely out, but I don’t have 9 days. Any advice on what I can do? What is PAWS? I have experienced withdrawal numerous times over the past 20 years, so I have probably had whatever the acronym stands for, but I don’t know what it means.
Thought? Comments?
laddertipper wrote: |
Just wanted to share that I’m having a bit of a surprising struggle. I had a hysterectomy on the 18th. I was in the hospital for four days because of complications and severe pain. The pain was absolutely terrible. I stopped Sub about a month before the surgery after a long taper and was totally free of all physical symptoms. All I had left were some PAWS-type stuff. The anesthesiologist said the Suboxone most likely would not affect how I reacted to pain meds, but he also said they are still learning in this area and I was on Sub for nearly six years, so…..
Anyway, over my four hospital days, I was on a ton of painkillers, mainly IV, plus oral pain meds. I was still miserable. It seemed like they did not have strong enough meds to control the pain, which was sharp pressure/stabbing type pain, due to trapped CO2 and some internal bleeding. Not sure if the difficulty controlling pain had anything to do with having been on Sub or was simply because the pain was truly so bad. The doctor was pretty surprised at how much I could receive and how little it affected me. Because they gave me Perc and I puked they sent me home w/ Vicodin-5 mg tablets and nausea meds. I was to take 1-2 every four hours and was told I may need it up to two weeks. I ended up taking about 35 tabs total over the next week and then stopped . I did not ‘taper’ but I did take less as it got better. After all I went through getting off Sub, I have a very healthy respect/fear for pain meds!!! So, this is my fifth day off all pain meds and guess what??! I have had w/d symptoms and still do, even this morning. They are not the PAWS-type stuff, but the physical stuff. They ARE getting better, but it has been a shocker. I got RLS, aching legs, chills, sweating, sneezing. The first couple of days were fairly uncomfortable. My brain tells me this is not possible. I was not on painkillers for even two weeks!! Thankfully, I stopped when I did, because I can only imagine it would be harder if I stayed on, and in this regard, I’m proud of myself. I had a fill on my script and it would have been so easy to get it and not have to deal w/ those symptoms but it all comes down the pike sooner or later, KWIM? I’ve been partially in the dumps over this, but I know it will most likely be over soon. This is my first w/d experience from full agonist opiates, so it’s sorta new territory for me and I don’t know what to expect. It’s just frustrating to be dealing w/ this again. laddertipper |